Blind Synchronization Mode
Blind sync mode essentially pays no attention to files in the destination target. It only pays attention to files in the source target. Thus, if a file is modified in your source target, it WILL get synchronized, even if the corresponding file in the destination target bears the same characteristics. For example, suppose you modify a file in your source target then use the Finder to copy the file over to the destination target. In 'standard' sync mode, the file will not be synchronized because its considered the same in both targets. In 'blind' sync mode, it WILL be synchronized!

Also, if a file in your destination target is deleted, the corresponding file in your source target WILL NOT get synchronized. Only a change to your source file will cause it to get synchronized. As the name implies, ChonoSync is 'blind' to what is happening on the destination side of your sync.

There is one critical exception to the above behavior - initial synchronizations. If ChronoSync has NEVER synchronized a file before, then the 'standard' behavior is applied. This allows you to add files to your source target and have them get synchronized. It also allows you to perform an initial sync with an empty destination target and have all your files synchronized. Once ChronoSync has dealt with a file, however, the blind logic will forever after be used.

Note: You can tell if ChronoSync has previously dealt with a file pair by examining the "Last Synchronized" column in the Analyze panel. If it displays "never" then the files have not been dealt with before.